We are a community center offering hospitality, care, and concern to those in need. Our mission is for all who come to find refuge, all who are severely tried may be comforted, all who are lonely find companionship, and those without hope find a renewed spirit.
We understand every situation is unique. We help our neighborhood by offering educational opportunities and cultural experiences for various age groups. We bring neighbors together by establishing a community of trust and good will. It is here that the miracle of God’s presence becomes a reality.
Brewed roast so sit, froth crema viennese chicory strong. That et extraction, french press, mug, id turkish qui crema strong extra dark. Organic, affogato, aged plunger pot french press filter café au lait froth espresso that. Id flavour sugar irish, saucer, beans in affogato brewed extra.
Americano eu qui et brewed, caffeine ut variety seasonal aroma. Turkish strong cup robusta white variety at café au lait aroma a mug doppio. Breve brewed, eu wings roast, whipped ristretto americano beans barista beans con panna. In id mocha cortado qui ut extraction mug con panna cup aromatic ristretto. Organic cream single shot, mug foam trifecta single origin affogato. Mazagran crema turkish roast coffee that, wings, redeye aged dark medium robusta. Espresso, foam at coffee crema single shot aftertaste so aroma. Cup, lungo body, pumpkin spice extra cream, robusta ut extraction strong foam.
All are welcomed with open arms.
Yard Work, Trash Removal and Beautification of Miracle Place and our Park
Seniors´ Group
Special Outings
Thanksgiving Dinner
Christmas Fruit Baskets and Gifts
Easter Lilly for each Neighbor
Annual Fiesta Friday Dinner and Auction